All VIPROS partners educate students, whose careers connect to the relevance of the tools and work practises they employ. The partners therefore acknowledge the impact technological changes have on the Creative Industries’ workforce. We understand the need to respond to new circumstances and absorb critical innovations.
VIPROS contributes to correlations between Arts and STEM fields in the education and subsequent skill sets of graduates headed for the Creative Industries. The rationale for such STEAM correlations, is that collaboration between Arts and STEM equip new talents to innovate, manage disruption and work in environmentally sustainable ways.
The VIPROS project outcomes have been developed iteratively and its results have evolved and solidified via dialogue with industry peers, knowledge exchanges with European higher education institutions and continuous quality assurance processes carried out by the partners.
This has granted the partners valuable insights, tangible results and a network reaching across professional domains and European borders. Conclusively, enabling new initiatives, a continuation of collaborations established during the project, and a platform for bringing innovations and talents to the growing virtual production space. Moving forward, capitalising on project results to establishing new initiatives, is key.

LEAD PARTNER: The Norwegian Film School (NFS)
In 1997, The Norwegian Film School (NFS) welcomed its first students, and since then the school has graduated more than 350 film students who have made their marks on the Norwegian film- and TV industry.
Today, The Norwegian Film School offers a three-year Bachelor of Fine Arts degree, and a two-year Master of Fine Arts degree, as well as a ph.D. in Artistic Research in Film and related audiovisual art forms.
Education at the NFS is evenly distributed between joint education and education, tailor-made for the needs of each discipline. The joint parts of the education include numerous practical team exercises.
NFS is a member of Centre International de Liaison des Écoles de Cinéma et de Télévision, CILECT, the association of the world’s major film and television schools, founded in Cannes in 1955. Its goals are means for the exchange of ideas among member schools, and to help them examine the future of education for creative personnel in film, TV, and related media. NFS has had a marked impact on Norwegian film and TV as well as garnered considerable reputation internationally.

PARTNER: Abertay University
Abertay University is a small but modern University (est.1994) based in Dundee Scotland (UK). The university builds on its tradition as an Institute of Technology to develop graduates for professional roles in industry. In 1997 Abertay University became the first in Europe to offer videogames related courses and since then has become recognised as a world leader in videogames education (ranked 1st in Europe 2015- 2020: Princeton Review).
The School of Design & Informatics (SDI) at Abertay University is home to The National Centre of Excellence for Computer Games Education (Skillset/SFC, 2009); InGAME: Innovation for Games and Media Enterprise and R&D Centre for the Dundee Games Cluster, part of the Arts and Humanities Research Council’s Creative Industries Clusters Programme (AHRC 2019) and the Emergent Technology Centre/5g Testbed that works with cutting edge technologies to develop new products and services for connected digital environments.
The Schools games related offer covers four undergraduate study programmes: BA Hons Computer Arts and Game Design; Production and BSc Hons Computer Games Technology and Computer Games Applications Development. The school also offers two postgraduate study programmes MProf Games Development and MSc Computer Games Technology and there are around 20 students in Abertay Graduate School doing research degrees in Games related subjects.

PARTNER: Copenhagen Academy of Digital Arts
Copenhagen Academy of Digital Arts (CADA) participates in activities with other schools and organizations to stay informed. CADA takes an active role in the Danish 3D community and works in close corporation with the Danish Film School on student exchanges, joint courses and cross-disciplinary team projects. Furthermore, CADA has established training cooperation on pedagogy and skills development for teachers, with the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology (KEA). By this, CADA connects to higher education credentials and structures.
In extension, CADA is a full member of the national games education: DADIU dating back several years. The DADIU students are from art schools and universities across Denmark. The program consists of a fulltime fall-term arranged annually. Further, CADA is a member of Vision Denmark, the nationwide Creative Industries alliance that works to give impetus to the visual storytelling and entertainment sectors by connecting and networking producers and suppliers of creative tech.
CADA brings to the VIPROS project, a selection of seasoned 3D and digital arts educators as well as a wider array of affiliated international industry guest teachers.

PARTNER: Zagreb University / Academy of Dramatic Arts
The University of Zagreb (UNIZG) is the flagship educational institution in Croatia with 31 faculties, three art academies and various university centres and departments. A comprehensive public Central European university, UNIZG offers education programs in all scientific fields (arts, bio-medicine, biotechnology, engineering, humanities, natural sciences and social sciences) and a broad range of courses at all study levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate for more than 70,000 students.
UNIZG excels in teaching, as well as in research, contributing over 50 percent to the annual research output of Croatia.
A constituent UNIZG unit, the Academy of Dramatic Art (ADA) is both a representative for arts and science in the VIPROS project. ADA was founded in 1950 and is the oldest Croatian higher education institution in the field of performing- and audiovisual arts. The academy covers almost all aspects of performing arts, film and media arts from artistic, theoretical and scientific perspectives.
In addition to the artistic competencies and facilities ADA has brought to the project, the academy also connects VIPROS to the Engineering field. Via UNIZG the academy has ensured pivotal input and feedback from Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture.
ADA is a member of CILECT, GEECT, SEECS, ELIA, ENCACT, and Psi. ADA teachers regularly participate in international roundtables and thematic conferences, as well as in European cooperation projects.